Tuesday, November 1, 2011


JennaMarbles Blog and Video Blog - Jenna talks about anything and everything, just like me; her topics usually depends on current events in her life or just something random. Her audience is mostly female, but pretty much anyone who wastes time on youtube looking for laughs. Her Facebook and Twitter pages does a lot of advertising for her vlog, blog, and channel. Her strength is that she is absolutely hilarious and easy to listen to for hours on end. Her weaknesses are that many of her blogs and videos pertain only to females, and also that many of her videos are not appropriate for all ages. Also her posts can sometimes go on a tangent that no one really cares about.

The Everywherist - The Everywherist talks mainly about places that she travels and sometimes just about her majestical life. Her audience is pretty much anyone, especially people who are interested in traveling. (I just really like her writing style.) Her Twitter feed advertises for her blog and talks about the same events that her blog does. Her strength is that she is an amazing writer and she draws people in who may not even care specifically about her travels.

That Brave, Unbalanced Woman - Julianna talks also about random things. She sometimes posts amazing poetry or advice or even pictures. She is an incredibly talented writer. I assume her audience is mainly people that she knows or random people that stumble across her like myself because her blog isn't all that well-known. Her Twitter feed has almost nothing on it, and I couldn't tell you about her facebook. Her strength is that she is effortlessly talented and easy to read. Her weakness is that she isn't very prominent.

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