Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homecoming is Becoming an Epic Fail

Usually homecoming is the one time of year that high schoolers are excited about school. Every day of the week is a dress up day and an activity in which all of the classes compete against each other. Not only that, but there is a lot of commotion going on outside of school with tp-ing, car painting, et cetera. Everyone typically gets pretty pumped up about it, with good reason. But lately things are changing at our high school. The dress up days have changed, to the point where we don't even have class color day; We no longer do the "hush button" activity, where you have to steal the buttons of the other classes; Tp-ing and car painting are suddenly serious things where the police get involved and even the kids seem to overreact and make a big deal about it. It's homecoming and it's supposed to be fun, but it seems like they are taking away all of the funnest things about it.  It appears that every generation seems to get ripped off more and more every year. Sometimes, change isn't always good, and I fail to believe that I am the only one thinking this. The activities during homecoming week are classics; they were already great to begin with and I feel it is best to let some things stay the same. Our generation needs to blow off steam sometimes, and homecoming is that time for us. So maybe, from now on, we should just let that one be.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here Are Some Things That I Believe In..

I believe in saving the planet.

I believe in coexistence.

I believe in food, and making people smile.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

'Tis The Season

You know that one person in class who just won't stop with all of their coughing and sniffling? To the point where at first you feel sympathetic, but after a while you are just irritated and angry because it is a major distraction. You're thinking to yourself, "How on Earth can I focus on derivatives and slopes when this person is obnoxiously hacking every 25 seconds?!" Well, this person is me. Yes, it's true, it appears I am deathly sick, and for once, I have been on the receiving end of the annoyed glares by my fellow classmates. I first came to this realization yesterday in my third block math class, when my coughing and sneezing just happened to reach its peak. I was coughing so hard, I myself couldn't even hear the lesson. I decided to make an apologetic glance across the room, only to be met with a bunch of peeved eyes. Although I knew I couldn't help it, I felt their pain for I have cursed a few sick classmates in my day. Now even though I knew I was becoming a nuisance, my cough persisted. Finally, a helpful girl in my class decided to stop this madness, and she tossed me a few cough drops. I could almost feel a weight lifted off of the classroom. Spirits were lifted, there was hope yet that we would make it through this lesson in peace! I could have sworn I actually heard a few sighs of relief. So my cough began to subside, and I felt that the situation had been put to a rest. I have never been more wrong.

You know that one person in class who constantly gets bloody noses? I mean the kind where thick, snotty blood is just pouring out, and it's so absolutely disgusting and revolting to those who have to endure seeing such a thing, it is almost impossible to feel the full amount of sympathy required toward the person the blood is spewing from. Now this person has never been me, I never get bloody noses. They gross me out to a degree that I cannot stress to you enough; I have gagged at the sight of a bloody nose. But yesterday, I was this person. My basically non-existent life history of bloody noses betrayed me, and decided to take a turn for the worst. While my ever-so-sweet math teacher was explaining a problem to me, I felt a tickle in my nose. I politely excused myself, thinking I just had to quickly blow my nose (like I had done probably 1,000,000 times already that day). But oh, I was mistaken. I blew my nose only to find a Kleenex literally full of blood. For those of you with weak stomachs, I will spare you any more gruesome details. Needless to say, this ghastly scene was witnessed by mostly everyone. My math partner smiled nervously, trying not to let the disgust show on her face; the girl who was once sympathetic enough to pass me a few cough drops now looked at me with this look on her face similar to one made by someone who just smelled something incredibly foul; and my motherly teacher, with eyes full of sympathy, sent me down to the bathroom with a pass. Yes, this was my day yesterday.

Now of course, I'm probably exaggerating the situation, but my nature is one big hyperbole. Even so, this is something that no one likes to have to undergo. But it is that time of year again people; I doubt my infected, virus-ridden self is within the minority here. Luckily, today I came a bit more prepared. I stocked my body up on cold medicine, I have a pocket full of cough drops, and a nice cool water bottle. I suggest all of you do the same, so perhaps you can save yourself from any similar mishaps. So far I haven't had to suffer any of the aforementioned misadventures from yesterday, but it's still early. On the other hand, it's corn dogs and cinnamon rolls for lunch, so at least there's that. Happy healing, all!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vivid Talent

These were from an art show and they both just caught my eye! Thought the colors in both were just incredible. Here is a link to see some of the other cool stuff in the art show.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hello, World!

My name is Danielle, I am 17 and a senior in high school. I enjoy writing, being social, music, reading, and being outdoors. This is my first time blogging and in all honesty the main reason I'm starting a blog is for a class. I never really thought I was a "blogger," but I am actually excited to start blogging regularly because writing is something I love to do. At first I didn't know what I would blog about, and so my blog doesn't have a main focus or theme. I don't want to be that person that blogs about her life because she finds herself that interesting. So I won't be that person, but my blog will have a lot about life in it. Just random happenings, opinions, and even rants if the opportunity arises. My blog will revolve around the life of a typical teenager and some of the things that cross my mind. But I also plan on not making it personal and all about myself, I will include things to think about and words of advice for those who may be in my shoes. I'm very opinionated and I have a lot to say. So just listen for a second. (: