Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Walk a Day in One's Shoes

This week, my parent's divorce becomes official. Not a lot of people even know that my parents are getting divorced, (I don't really go around talking about it,) but I figure it's just a fact and it'll all come out anyway. I am not going to sit here and talk about how sad I am over it and how hard it is because it's not like that, and gaining anyone's sympathy is not what I'm here for. But I would like to get a few things off my chest about this topic.

I remember when I was younger and my parents were happy, (at least I didn't know any better than to think so,) and I didn't understand the situation of those of my friends who had divorced parents. I particularly remember at least three or four of my childhood friends whose parents were divorced, and when they would talk about it I distinctly remember thinking that it wasn't a big deal. I just thought you know get over it, just because your parents don't love each other doesn't mean they don't love you. There was no way I could possibly understand because I thought my parents had a great relationship, (I was also young and ignorant.) Anyway, now that I am having to endure my parent's divorce, my view has changed entirely. Though I still know that no matter what my parents go through in their relationship they still love their children unconditionally, I have come to find that that is not at all the point; I now know what my childhood friends were going through. When your parents divorce, it's like everything you've ever known gets taken away from you, or everything that you thought you knew. The foundation of your entire family is now nonexistent; it gets into your life and it destroys everything it touches.

Let me throw an example at you. Like I said before, when I was younger I had many friends that had separated parents. I remember my mom always asking me, "When you talk to your friends with divorced parents, don't you feel LUCKY that you're parents are still TOGETHER and HAPPY?" She had asked me this more than once, and she would ask me so intently, like the question was really important. It always confused me when she asked me this because the weight that she put behind the question didn't make sense to me. I didn't understand why she asked me or why it mattered or most importantly why she was being so serious about it. I would reply with some befuddled answer like, "Umm, sure, I mean I guess if I think about it." Because I didn't think about it, I just expected things to be fine because I was brought up to think that they were. I wasn't searching for some underlying meaning to her intense questioning. But now that I am older and I have been forced into the realization that not everything is as perfect as it looks from far away, it makes a lot more sense. My mother was unhappy for a long time, and she was only prodding at me to investigate how I felt about divorce; she just wanted to make sure that she was making the right decision in sticking it out with my dad. And now I am left with a sense of betrayal. Not so much betrayed by her, which I'm sure somewhere deep down I feel too, but rather betrayed by myself because I was too young and naive to see the signs of an unhappy marriage. Maybe I just didn't want to see it. I can honestly say that this experience has taken everything I ever thought that I knew about my family and my life and flipped it 100% upside-down. It was a shock to say the least.

Anyway, to get to the point, to those on the outside of divorce, to those who have not experienced it first-hand, it is hard to understand how exactly it affects a person. I, myself, used to be one of those people that thought that victims of divorce were just being whiny. I won't sit here and tell you that it's a big deal, because I still don't feel that it is; though I do think that it will affect people in ways that you may not comprehend until it happens to you. So maybe this is one of my life lessons (or perhaps even karma,) teaching me not to think that I know everything, and that I can't see where somebody stands until I walk a day in their shoes. And I think now, when it comes to this topic, I have.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


JennaMarbles Blog and Video Blog - Jenna talks about anything and everything, just like me; her topics usually depends on current events in her life or just something random. Her audience is mostly female, but pretty much anyone who wastes time on youtube looking for laughs. Her Facebook and Twitter pages does a lot of advertising for her vlog, blog, and channel. Her strength is that she is absolutely hilarious and easy to listen to for hours on end. Her weaknesses are that many of her blogs and videos pertain only to females, and also that many of her videos are not appropriate for all ages. Also her posts can sometimes go on a tangent that no one really cares about.

The Everywherist - The Everywherist talks mainly about places that she travels and sometimes just about her majestical life. Her audience is pretty much anyone, especially people who are interested in traveling. (I just really like her writing style.) Her Twitter feed advertises for her blog and talks about the same events that her blog does. Her strength is that she is an amazing writer and she draws people in who may not even care specifically about her travels.

That Brave, Unbalanced Woman - Julianna talks also about random things. She sometimes posts amazing poetry or advice or even pictures. She is an incredibly talented writer. I assume her audience is mainly people that she knows or random people that stumble across her like myself because her blog isn't all that well-known. Her Twitter feed has almost nothing on it, and I couldn't tell you about her facebook. Her strength is that she is effortlessly talented and easy to read. Her weakness is that she isn't very prominent.

Monday, October 31, 2011

How to Trick People into Thinking You're Good Looking

(Believe it or not, this is the only video by her that I could find that is half-way school appropriate.)

This video made me laugh so hard. Story of pretty much every girl's life. This girl is hilarious and I definitely suggest subscribing to her videos! She is so real and says it like it is. JennaMarbles.
If you like this, you'll love What Girls Do on the Internet and What Girls Do in the Car.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

College Essays? Arghhhhh!

So last night I went hard all night long working on my college essays. I figured I have put it off long enough, and since I had nothing better going on I got to work. Here are the two essay questions that I was faced with:

-"The University values an educational environment that provides all members of the campus community with opportunities to grow and develop intellectually, personally, culturally and socially. In order to give us a more complete picture of you as an individual, please tell us about the particular life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests you will bring to our campus. In other words, how will your presence enrich our community?"

-"Tell us about your academic goals, circumstances that may have had an impact on your academic performance, and, in general, anything else you would like us to know in making an admission decision."

Needless to say, I was immediately stressed. The questions seem so vague and extremely hard to answer. For the first essay I struggled because to be honest I have no idea how I am going to enrich their community in the slightest. At least I didn't at first. Now even if you have some ideas on what makes you special as an individual and how you would be a benefit to their school, you face the second challenge of turning those ideas into an organized, 500-word essay, while simultaneously trying to steer away from sounding like you're bragging. This is what I did: I tried to find three things about myself that are positive and unique to my being. You also want to be able to back up these points with examples of things you have done or reasons why you are that way. This way, the things you are saying about yourself sound more like facts and less like bragging. You need to remember that in these essays you are trying to sell yourself, like in a job interview. Those three things about yourself that you choose to touch on will become your three paragraphs. Don't forget a thesis sentence for the beginning and end!

Now the second question is equally as hard but for different reasons. The first question gives you a little more structure as to what they want you to say. The second question is completely open to you to say whatever you feel is important. This question is mainly for those who may have struggled academically, and they are giving you the chance to perhaps explain why you struggled and how you have changed or matured that way. This is what I did: I broke down the first question into two separate academic goals of mine, then answered the second question on things that affected my academic performance. These became my three paragraphs. This one may be quite a bit different for you depending on what you want to say, but the general idea is the same. Remember to sell yourself and turn negatives to positives!

I hope this helps those of you that are beginning to work on your college essays! Personally, it took me about an hour to finish both of mine, and both turned out to be over 500 words each. Try not to stress out over it, just get started and once you get going the rest comes much easier. Also remember to revise, revise, revise! Make it perfect. Good luck!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sometimes you have so much going on, it's hard to catch a breath. A big part of you just wants to lay in bed and do nothing at all because you don't even know where to begin. This is how I am feeling today. But as much as I would love to crawl into a dark hole and hide away from all of my responsibilities, I can't. Therefore, I am going to make a list because that is what I do when I am stressed out. It's strangely very relieving to just get out on paper all of the things that need to get done and prioritize them according to time restrictions and level of importance. This way, I have a better idea of where to start and what to do afterwards. I am going to restrain myself from posting said list because I highly doubt my schedule is that important to any of you, so I am going to excuse myself from this post to go begin said list-making. And perhaps if you are feeling a bit stressed out as well, you can make a list of your own. I promise it helps. Good luck. (:

Friday, October 21, 2011


Last night, I was laying awake in bed thinking about my future and it sounds cliche, but I had somewhat of an epiphany. I came to the realization that in no time at all, I will be an "adult," on my own, and that I will rarely see or even speak to some of the people that are currently close to me. All your life, you look forward to turning eighteen, graduating, and moving out. And before you know it, the time comes and somehow you still don't feel ready for it. Yesterday at school we received our graduation tassels and ordered our caps and gowns, and it felt like a dream. I still don't think it's hit me fully and I don't know when it will, but it's starting to sink in and it's a strange feeling. Everyone says your last year of high school flies by so enjoy it while it lasts, and I think I'm already starting to see what they mean. As I've said before, us seniors have so much to think about, it's really helping the time just fly by. We are already one-fourth of the way done with this school year but I feel like the first day was just a short while ago. At this pace it will only be a matter of moments before my eighteenth birthday; before I'm accepting my high school diploma; before I'm packing boxes of all of my belongings and moving out of my childhood home; before I'm getting lost in a big city that I don't know my way around yet; before I'm making new friends and wondering what the heck happened to my old ones; before I'm paying bills; before I'm wishing I could go back to living with my mommy and daddy. And I know that I will look back and wish that I hadn't taken it for granted, I'll wish that I had appreciated every bit of simplicity. I realized all of this, and in grasping this bit of insight I have found myself to be scared to death over it. It's going to be scary for everyone, but I don't think everyone is as freaked out as I am yet; I am known to be one who stresses unnecessarily. But I'd say perhaps I'm a bit ahead of the game at this point, because still many of my peers haven't even thought about their futures while I am mentally preparing myself far ahead of time for everything that I am going to go through within the next year. So maybe this is all a very good thing.

At the same time, while I am recognizing how much is going to change for me very soon, I also am becoming aware that a lot of things aren't going to change at all. For example, having looked forward to turning eighteen my entire life now feels foolish. Now that my birthday is only months away, it feels just like every other birthday I've ever had. I see that on that "special" day when I become a so-called adult, nothing is going to change for me. I won't be buying my own cigarettes because I am not and never will be a smoker (fact), I'm not really one for gambling or the lottery (never really saw the benefit of such), and I don't really intend on going into any military forces (to my fathers dismay). So eighteen is really just another number that will ultimately get me no closer to where I am going to end up either way. Eighteen isn't a magical number that is going to change everything and somehow automatically transform you into your mature, adult self. This small epiphany also brings me some apprehension because the fact that I realize this is just further proof of my logical thinking and maturation.

So I guess the moral of the story is this: it isn't turning eighteen or graduating or even moving out that makes you an adult; what makes you an adult is having the sense enough to know that none of these things are going to be the life-altering things that they are lived up to be, and being ready for the real world and whatever your life is going to have in store for you in the long run.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Sometimes you just wake up and feel better. The past few days have left me feeling restored. And I wouldn't have guessed it because to be honest not much has changed; I still have far too much on my plate and things are still hard. But I think I am learning to appreciate the small blessings I have in life and to focus less on the negative. All I really need to know for now is that I am on the right path, even if that path is feeling a bit cluttered at the moment. To further this feeling of triumph, I am watching myself grow into a mature little adult person. I have become so independent, mostly because I haven't had much of a choice in the matter, but there isn't a greater feeling than being able to rely completely on yourself as a person. Life throws these lessons at you, sometimes in the most untimely of manners, but it's learning how to dig yourself out of a giant rut that really allows you to value your own growing strength. You learn through experience that things do get better, but they only get better through bettering yourself. And who doesn't like being all-around BETTER. I sure do. I hope this freeing feeling lasts.

"To conquer oneself is the best and noblest victory; to be vanquished by one's own nature in the worst and most ignoble defeat." -Plato
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." -Chinese Proverb
"We acquire the strength we have overcome." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

People to Follow on Twitter

I have recently become acquainted with Twitter; I am a new comer and I am just getting started. So now that I am starting up with Twitter, I must give you a list of some must-have Twitter accounts that you may like if you follow my blog. So here they are! Follow and enjoy!

These are all accounts made by typical teenagers who all have some things to say. They all include inspirational quotes and address things that everyone is thinking but no one else has the cahones to say. They tweet mainly quotes based on love, daily life, facts and advice. I have come to enjoy following each and every one of them!
This is an account by a teenage girl who tweets all about life as seen through the eyes of a young female. All of her tweets are based on current events and life.
This is the account of one of my favorite bloggers. I began following The Everywhereist on blogger and am now able to follow her on Twitter as well! I love her writing.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Would Rather Have No Friends Than A Whole Bunch of Fake Ones

In a previous post I mentioned that people will let you down. Ultimately, you will come to find that absolutely everyone in your life will let you down at least once, probably more. There may even come a time in your life that you feel everyone has let you down and you have no one left to turn to, and you’re probably right. Sometimes the only person you can count on is yourself. You are the only guarantee in your life; only you can control your own destiny. No one owns your fate but you; no one controls where you are going in your life or even where you are going with your day. So own your life, take it by the reigns and take it exactly where you want to go. Find out who your real friends are, and drop all of the other ones. Fake friends will suck the very life out of you and only cause more trouble in your already difficult life. You must learn that sometimes you really can’t rely on anyone other than yourself, therefore you don’t need anyone else on your side. Learn to become self-reliant and independent, because in times like these there is not a more valuable life lesson.

I have built strong walls around myself. Not to keep anyone out, but to see who is willing to tear them down.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dear haters, I hear you. But I choose not to listen.

Sometimes in high school, drama is unavoidable. Personally, last year I had a lot of problems with some particular girls in my grade. So I made a pact to myself not to surround myself with the type of people who are bound to bring drama into one’s life. All summer, I did not talk to any of these people, not even once. The funny thing is, I had no drama all summer; I had no problems with anyone, I did not get in one fight, I had no troubles. I believe this says something about the maturity level of some of those in my grade. Although, now that we are back in school, I have a harder time steering clear of these people and it seems that drama has re-entered my life. It seems that some people don’t have enough real problems in their life, so they have to make problems. I, for one, have enough real problems, and so I don’t need their extra stress. So it seems that I need to find some new ways to avoid these kinds of people. Here are some tips that I have found helpful in avoiding drama:
  • Be trustworthy. Never tell one of your friend’s secrets. It is hard to find trustworthy people in this world; you do not want to be known for having a big mouth. Be the person that can keep their mouth shut.
  • Know who you can trust. If someone has been known for spilling secrets before, maybe you need to use a little wisdom and discretion when talking to them.
  • Avoid drama directly. If you see a drama happening around you, stay out of it. Don’t stick your nose in other people’s business. Do not needlessly get involved.
  • Consider everything you say and do to be public, especially through technology. If you wouldn’t want someone to hear something you say or see something you do, avoid texting or IM-ing the info. How many times has somebody shown you a text or IM that was not intended for you?
  • Do not get easily offended. Do not overreact, or take things too personally. You need to be able to take some constructive criticisms.
  • Communicate on issues. Try not to wait until you have boiled over to communicate your issues. Don’t let things build up, address problems immediately. Explain your feelings to a friend who has offended you right away so that they do not have to deal with your detailed list of 101 offenses later.
  • Be real. You will be found out if you are being fake. Plus, it is annoying to see two people embrace and be giddy in seeing each other, only to walk away saying, “I can’t stand her.” If you have a problem with someone, let them know where they stand.
  • Do not gossip. Gossip is a relationship killer. Avoid saying things about people that you wouldn't say to their face.
  • Do not listen to gossip. Listening and giving your ear to somebody gossiping is just as bad as gossiping. Cut gossip out of your life.
  • Be honest. People will respect you more if they know that they can trust you to tell the truth. Do not try to cover up your mistakes; admit to them, apologize, and move on.

Hopefully these tips are helpful. They are things to keep in mind, but no one is perfect. Even I have trouble with some of these things sometimes. In the meantime, here are some things to consider:
Haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise; you hear them, but you can’t see them. Then when you walk right by them, they’re quiet.
Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back; it only means that you're two steps ahead of them.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Someone Needs a Xanax

Lately, I have been feeling stressed. I usually don't get stressed easily, I tend to take everything in stride. But I also expect far too much out of myself, so when my duties pile up I stress myself out more than I have to. It's so diffcult to juggle everything at once, especially at this age. Senior year is (for most of us) the hardest year to go through.

We still have to come to school every day and for many, the classes are much harder. Some of the classes I will be taking this year include AP US History, AP English, Math IV, and Calculus. I also plan to take the national exams for Calculus, AP English, AP US Histoy, and also AP Psychology to try to get some college credit. This requires me to put aside much more time for studying. So juggling school is challenging enough, but we also need to be thinking about our future. I, for one, have a slim idea of what I want to do for the rest of my life, let alone where I want to go to college and for what. So now I have to pursue something that I'm not even sure of yet, and I know that I am not within the minority here. It is time for us to apply for college, like as soon as possible. I have three applications yet to even begin working on, and the deadline approaches. You also have to think about your ACT's and sending those out, your transcripts, your essays, your references, etc. PLUS, you need to start figuring out how the heck you're going to get through college. Scholarships, loans, grants, all of these are available to us but where do we even begin? Oh the stress!

Along with that though, the majority of us work every day because it would be nice to have some money when we leave for college, right? So when I am not in school, I am usually working. There are things I have to juggle at work too, like all of the trainings I have to get done by the end of the month, and all of the employee meetings I have to endure. But then I still feel like I'm not making close to enough money and somehow, even though I worked full time all summer, I am broke as a joke. I pay for everything, unlike many kids my age. I pay for my car, my phone, my clothes, even my school. Yes, if I want to take the ACT or the national exam, that comes out of my pocket. I pay for my yearbook too, and for my senior pictures. If I want anything extra or if I want to go anywhere, that is all me, baby. And granted, I did have quite the social life over the summer so it's not complete blasphemy that I have no money. But how about when I move out and I have even more things to pay for, like rent and food? It's hard for me to even fill my gas tank every week. This just won't do if I'm going to be moving out soon! So now I have to consider getting a second job? Is this a joke?!

Then there are all the small things that everyone has to juggle anyway, like cleaning your house, feeding your pets, bathing, and sleeping. Yeah, sometimes I have a hard time making time for these things too. (Don't judge me.) The deadline for senior pictures is in two weeks, and I haven't even picked mine out yet; I haven't ordered my yearbook; I haven't started my online training for work. I can barely juggle school and work, let alone all of the extra things that seniors have to worry about. When do you think I will have the extra time to get anything done? For example, maybe I'd do some things tonight but conveniently I have to work all night, plus write a solid 800 words for APUSH by tomorrow. So it's not a surprise that my head is spinning. I don't know where to begin, and I'm sure many of my peers are in the same boat. If you can even call it that, personally I feel like I am drowning.

I need to hire a personal assitant. Oh yeah, but I might not be able to pay you. Any takers?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Note to You, Or Note to Self?

If there's one thing I've learned it's that everyone is going to let you down, even the people that you would never expect. But as many times as I have been hurt, I still tend to believe what people tell me and I still have faith in people. So when my latest "boyfriend" told me he would never do anything to hurt me, I simply believed him. And when he let me down, I never saw it coming. It's hurtful when you have faith in someone and you trust them, only to be hurt. The easy answer would be to forgive and forget and go back to being the happy couple that we were just days ago. But I can't do that, because I know what I deserve and that's not it. No matter how many times he apologizes and says "I screwed up," and "I can fix it," and "It willl never happen again," well I don't want him to fix it and I don't want to take that chance because I don't deserve to be hurt, and some things just can't be forgiven.

I wish there were more girls like me out there. You see, us girls need to have self respect and confidence that tells us that we shouldn't put up with crap. To forgive him and let it go would really be the easier option, but what do you get out of letting a guy take advantage of you? You want your man to look at you with some respect, not as his toy that will always forgive him no matter what he does. You need to stick to your guns and know what you will and will not put up with. You need to stay strong, no matter how depressingly lonely that can be. You need to realize that there are many more fish in the sea, and someday one of those "fish" will treat you really good, the way you deserve to be treated. And until then, you simply just shouldn't waste any time with somene who won't. You need to remember that things will only get better with time and in the end you will be just fine. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? So here's to coming out of this as a bigger and better person.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homecoming is Becoming an Epic Fail

Usually homecoming is the one time of year that high schoolers are excited about school. Every day of the week is a dress up day and an activity in which all of the classes compete against each other. Not only that, but there is a lot of commotion going on outside of school with tp-ing, car painting, et cetera. Everyone typically gets pretty pumped up about it, with good reason. But lately things are changing at our high school. The dress up days have changed, to the point where we don't even have class color day; We no longer do the "hush button" activity, where you have to steal the buttons of the other classes; Tp-ing and car painting are suddenly serious things where the police get involved and even the kids seem to overreact and make a big deal about it. It's homecoming and it's supposed to be fun, but it seems like they are taking away all of the funnest things about it.  It appears that every generation seems to get ripped off more and more every year. Sometimes, change isn't always good, and I fail to believe that I am the only one thinking this. The activities during homecoming week are classics; they were already great to begin with and I feel it is best to let some things stay the same. Our generation needs to blow off steam sometimes, and homecoming is that time for us. So maybe, from now on, we should just let that one be.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here Are Some Things That I Believe In..

I believe in saving the planet.

I believe in coexistence.

I believe in food, and making people smile.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

'Tis The Season

You know that one person in class who just won't stop with all of their coughing and sniffling? To the point where at first you feel sympathetic, but after a while you are just irritated and angry because it is a major distraction. You're thinking to yourself, "How on Earth can I focus on derivatives and slopes when this person is obnoxiously hacking every 25 seconds?!" Well, this person is me. Yes, it's true, it appears I am deathly sick, and for once, I have been on the receiving end of the annoyed glares by my fellow classmates. I first came to this realization yesterday in my third block math class, when my coughing and sneezing just happened to reach its peak. I was coughing so hard, I myself couldn't even hear the lesson. I decided to make an apologetic glance across the room, only to be met with a bunch of peeved eyes. Although I knew I couldn't help it, I felt their pain for I have cursed a few sick classmates in my day. Now even though I knew I was becoming a nuisance, my cough persisted. Finally, a helpful girl in my class decided to stop this madness, and she tossed me a few cough drops. I could almost feel a weight lifted off of the classroom. Spirits were lifted, there was hope yet that we would make it through this lesson in peace! I could have sworn I actually heard a few sighs of relief. So my cough began to subside, and I felt that the situation had been put to a rest. I have never been more wrong.

You know that one person in class who constantly gets bloody noses? I mean the kind where thick, snotty blood is just pouring out, and it's so absolutely disgusting and revolting to those who have to endure seeing such a thing, it is almost impossible to feel the full amount of sympathy required toward the person the blood is spewing from. Now this person has never been me, I never get bloody noses. They gross me out to a degree that I cannot stress to you enough; I have gagged at the sight of a bloody nose. But yesterday, I was this person. My basically non-existent life history of bloody noses betrayed me, and decided to take a turn for the worst. While my ever-so-sweet math teacher was explaining a problem to me, I felt a tickle in my nose. I politely excused myself, thinking I just had to quickly blow my nose (like I had done probably 1,000,000 times already that day). But oh, I was mistaken. I blew my nose only to find a Kleenex literally full of blood. For those of you with weak stomachs, I will spare you any more gruesome details. Needless to say, this ghastly scene was witnessed by mostly everyone. My math partner smiled nervously, trying not to let the disgust show on her face; the girl who was once sympathetic enough to pass me a few cough drops now looked at me with this look on her face similar to one made by someone who just smelled something incredibly foul; and my motherly teacher, with eyes full of sympathy, sent me down to the bathroom with a pass. Yes, this was my day yesterday.

Now of course, I'm probably exaggerating the situation, but my nature is one big hyperbole. Even so, this is something that no one likes to have to undergo. But it is that time of year again people; I doubt my infected, virus-ridden self is within the minority here. Luckily, today I came a bit more prepared. I stocked my body up on cold medicine, I have a pocket full of cough drops, and a nice cool water bottle. I suggest all of you do the same, so perhaps you can save yourself from any similar mishaps. So far I haven't had to suffer any of the aforementioned misadventures from yesterday, but it's still early. On the other hand, it's corn dogs and cinnamon rolls for lunch, so at least there's that. Happy healing, all!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vivid Talent

These were from an art show and they both just caught my eye! Thought the colors in both were just incredible. Here is a link to see some of the other cool stuff in the art show.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hello, World!

My name is Danielle, I am 17 and a senior in high school. I enjoy writing, being social, music, reading, and being outdoors. This is my first time blogging and in all honesty the main reason I'm starting a blog is for a class. I never really thought I was a "blogger," but I am actually excited to start blogging regularly because writing is something I love to do. At first I didn't know what I would blog about, and so my blog doesn't have a main focus or theme. I don't want to be that person that blogs about her life because she finds herself that interesting. So I won't be that person, but my blog will have a lot about life in it. Just random happenings, opinions, and even rants if the opportunity arises. My blog will revolve around the life of a typical teenager and some of the things that cross my mind. But I also plan on not making it personal and all about myself, I will include things to think about and words of advice for those who may be in my shoes. I'm very opinionated and I have a lot to say. So just listen for a second. (: